Sales of this item skyrocketed early this spring and has been in demand ever since.
Inspiringly, humanity reaches for nature, indoor and out in times of global crisis. Among a few surprising things, plant sales have soared.

Hearing this news set me on a path researching consumer habits in challenging times. It seems we have a few universal patterns, including how we incorporate colour, seek nature, and connect with community. Many of these behaviours are surprisingly positive.

Obvious sought after items this spring include home exercise & office equipment, electronic devices and leisure wear. Surprisingly, puzzles, board games became popular, with families taking a break from technology for old fashioned fun.
Some companies offered employees aid for office supplies, and special financial assistance for art, recognizing the need for a positive healthy working environment.

Bike stores cannot keep up with demand. Our local running shop says they have more consumers ‘new to running’ than ever before. Anticipating a quiet sales season, has been anything but. “It’s so encouraging to see people turn to healthy outlets, learning something new and being kind to themselves.”
Fascinatingly, post recession, people are drawn to specific types of clothing and colours ( Pink) in attire. People want less patterned clothing, instead, select a ‘clean aesthetic as a backlash against maximalism” ( Forbes. April 2020)
Marc featured in OUR HOMES magazine summer issue.
“Awareness of offshore manufacturing impacting a crisis.. and a need to feel connected and part of a community ” has consumers investing in local business and locally made.
This is interesting to hear at a time when we are restricted from usual social activities. Supporting local business, food, furnishings, and art to establish these connections is remarkable and inspiring.
Data experts say there is an increase in veganism and sustainability consumerism. Less disposable purchases, more meaningful.
Farm markets this year are booming with local fare & produce sales.

Art Dealers announce art sales are trickling in. People recognize living with art has a direct positive influence on how they feel in their dwellings. After months at home, some see their surroundings with new perspective, choices for interior and exterior environments have a tremendous impact on health, how we work and live. Plants and art are a big part of this.
Recently new collectors and established ones, are choosing the work, “because I need it in my life”, or to celebrate new beginnings, anniversaries marriages and collecting “ what matters.” New Commissions commemorate nature landscapes meaningful to the collectors.

It is reassuring to know in times of great crisis, we instinctively reach for ways to connect and support each other and within community.
We turn to nature and colour to inspire and heal.

You might reach for a blush T-shirt, collect pansies for your patio, succulents for your kitchen, or select nature for your view in art, in vivid life affirming colour.
Optimistic choices in health and surroundings creative a positive force individually and collectively toward beautiful new beginnings.
New Work and Photos above:
Begonia and FyreGlas, see
New: “Summer Retreat” 18×24 ~ oil on canvas $1,210.oo
New : “Vineyard” commission 16×20 ~ SOLD
New: “ Family of 5 Cougars” 4ft x 3ft Commission ~ email me to see if available ~ $4,345.00
“Beach” 8×10 oil on board ~ $500.oo
Marc photo~ Our Homes Magazine summer issue~ Congrats to Marc for this great feature!
( Market photo & nature trail photo ~ Dawn Banning)