Snow crunching footsteps echoed through the phone, carrying a million memories, warming my heart. I listened with closed eyes as we spoke, enjoying the sound of his voice and foot plantings. It’s a sound in the snow most heard when temperatures drop considerably.
I have run and walked miles in that kind of weather, breath forming frost, lungs singing from chilled air. Eyelashes laden in ice. The temperature brings such wondrous clarity of perspective, Cobalt blues, periwinkles, light sparkling.
Hearing my brothers gentle timbre among his rhythmic gait, with snow underfoot on a mountain hike, transported me there with him, and to our childhood, bringing a wonderful sense of peace.

Some believe as a nature artist, inspiration comes from the aesthetic, by strong visuals of the landscape. Truthfully, it is in accessing all our senses while in nature that makes artwork come alive. What we see is only a part of the process. What we hear, sense, smell, touch, the feel of the temperature, and emotional connection, all of these elements combine to bring the experience to the viewer.

Having this kind of awareness in nature will assist in recalling the experience later. It’s good practice for anyone. In times of stress or waiting in long lines ups, how wonderful to be able to recall a special place with mind, body and spirit, bringing a welcome sense of peace or invigorating energy.
I recently read the tremendous positive effect in the act of viewing art ( emotionally, physically, mentally), occurs because it is direct human experience. Human experience to human experience. We are hardwired to react deeply to our first language, which is art.
It’s this powerful communication that can spark connections with people beyond borders, spoken language and history. Direct human experience resonates.
One article suggests, it is also because art can depict sense of spirit. That art “not only has a spiritual quality, but a moral one.”

- Snowy Forest~ 18×24 oil on canvas ~ $1,460
- Lake~ 8×10 acrylic on birch ~ $600
- Above the Trees ~ 18×24 acrylic on canvas ~ $1,460
Top photography taken by my brother.
Further reading links below.