One of the great wonders of the Canadian seasons is the inspiration they create.

A friend made this observation when she moved to a tropical country that lacked definite seasons.
Happy to retreat from harsh Canadian winters, she loved the tropics.

“But,” she said, “ I really began to miss our dramatic change of seasons, not just the visual display, but the change of activities and inspiration they bring.”

We spoke of how that inspiration is transferable to growth within.
Each season can inspire change for betterment of health, career, residence, and new pursuits.
It’s easier to see new horizons when the one before us transforms and blossoms.

The only constant is change. The seasons prepare us to let go, teaching appreciation in the evolution of change.

New ART shown above
( plien air acrylic)
New~ Winter Path 11×14 775.oo
New ~ commission ~ Sea Path 8×10- SOLD
( Photos L&R Dawn, centre, Darin Larson)
New Sky & Clouds 9×12 580.oo
Birches~ Client collection, shown in clients home.