What Keeps you Awake at Night?

 I read recently many of us are in a state of constant stress & anxiety.

Our late night worries may have common themes. Health, relationships, finances, work. We may worry about the plumbing, report cards, what your husband will think of your new hairdo. Apparently, we can just make stuff up to worry about.

I read we can even be addicted to stress.

Now that is just sad.

 I believe creativity can be an effective tool in coping, even eliminating unnecessary stress.

One of my effective tactics in reducing worries Dr Martin Rossman speaks of in his book “the Worry Solution”.

 At the heart of it is creative visualization.

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Morning Mist 4fx2ft  Original Oil                      Boreal Sunset 5ftx2.5ft Original Oil

Having an artistic imagination is not so handy when you are 6 years old plagued by nightmares. Our family Dr explained nightmares are common with creatives. He also said I worried too much.

He gave me tips on relaxation visualization I still use. Surprisingly, this method is written about in Dr. Rossman’s book.

 With coping strategies, we boost our health, become more productive, our life improves, and we are more capable of being in service to others. Even under terrifying circumstances taking action can transcend us from paralyzing fear.

 Here are a few tips:

1) Deep Breathe. Repeat. Most of us breathe shallow when stressed.


2) I make a list of Items you can actively take care of, and what you cannot, let go.

 3) Creative visualization.

 Dr. Rossman says with guided imagery, techniques that invigorate the emotional and intuitive parts of the brain add to and enhance logical intelligence. He states with regular practice, you may literally alter the worry pathways in your brain and “hardwire” yourself for calmness and clarity.

He writes ‘imagery is the natural coding language of the most unconscious mind, representing large areas of the brain that are often silent, adding a whole new world of information, problem-solving ability, and emotional intelligence to the intelligence you already have’.*

 When asked to visualize a happy place, most people imagine places in nature, lying on a sandy beach, wandering thru a wildflower meadow, camping in a peaceful forest.

 The key to creative visualization is to begin in your most relaxed state. Try deep breathing  relaxing your entire body and mind. Bring as many sensory aids when you imagine your peaceful place. The scent of the sea air, the sound of seagulls the texture of the sand beneath your feet, the warmth of the sun on your skin.

 Dr. Rossman mentions a second tool “Positive Worry Imagery”. Think of it as positive thinking with flare.

 For example, when a friend was very ill, instead of picturing her in bed suffering, I pictured she and I at her birthday years down the road. What kind of cake would we eat? What music was playing in the background, the guests milling around. I could hear her laugh, envisioning her healthy and vibrant.

 “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow; it empties today of its strength.”~ Corrie Ten Boom

*Dr. Martin Rossman’s book “ The Worry Solution” can be found online.


“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality”. Martin Luther King Jr.

 I am approached from various charities through out the year.  Making my selections usually a year in advance allows me time to create special pieces for the chosen charities, aside from the monies I have donated to the Nature Conservancies. These two new donations were painted specifically for their charities. I am excited to share the news and will keep you updated on these pieces.

New ” Tree” 14×18 Original Oil ( 625.oo$)  donated for the Cops for Cancer Ride will benefit the Grand River Cancer Centre. All information on the charity can be found online at a future date. Special thanks to Dean Ducas of Dean’s pics for providing the photo research for ‘Tree”.




 ‘Forest Walk ‘ 24×30 ( 1372.oo$) ( Boreal) has been donated to the Snowflake Ball, taking place May 4/13 in Ottawa. Benefiting the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centre and Screen Colons Canada. You can find all the information on the Auction and Ball at www.snowflakeball.com  I understand their 2013 web details will be online shortly.

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,’What are you doing for others?’” Martin Luther King, Jr

Magazine post & new web features


I want to thank Nancy and Max of OUR HOMES magazine for including my work (Mountain) in the new Winter Issue published this week. Thank you for your kind comments and great photo of the work. To view an electronic version of the magazine, click here http://windsor.ourhomes.dgtlpub.com/2013/2013-01-31/home.php

You may have noticed new features on my website.  On my Homepage you will find handy little buttons to Twitter, FaceBook and You Tube.  I invite you to follow me on the social networks and join my news mailing list. You also now have the ability to tweet or share on Facebook each NewsBlog.

 Follow me on Twitter, this is where you will find industry happenings and interesting tweets of an Artist. https://twitter.com/dawnbanning

Facebook is the only place you have an opportunity to comment live on the new work.It is kept up to date with News & Art. http://www.facebook.com/DawnBanningArt

I am now a member of Linked IN, button on the webpage to follow! http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=223243645&trk=tab_pro

If you haven’t viewed my Videos – click on the You Tube button and enjoy. I am grateful to Pam Rose for her permission to play her music in ‘Tundra’.
 It is fantastic to have social and video media sources in place. Let’s ‘connect’, thank you for your support! d

New Web Site

My thanks to designer Paul Chalmers at J3T for his professionalism, creative and technical input, and tireless patience. This newly renovated site will be updated more frequently with new paintings, upcoming video features, news and announcements. Please have fun exploring the site and let me know your thoughts.

2011 Calendars

Thank you for your kind response on the new art calendar! The 2011 calendars were published in co-ordination with Acko Printing in Windsor. Special thanks to Met, Sandi and the team at Acko for their knowledge and careful attention to representing the work. The calendars have been distributed to local business’s and are not for sale. As a special thank you, a limited number  have  been delivered to my loyal customers.