“How do I create when there is so much suffering in the world?” an artist wrote in 2020 at the beginning of the pandemic. He continued, “it feels pointless and trivial to be creating and selling my art right now. It feels wrong.”
Recently artists are expressing similar feelings.
These can be natural responses, and at times accompanied with misplaced guilt. Addressing mental & emotional health are key to coping. It’s so important to have support systems, speak with professionals, and take self care.
Interestingly, these very artists who wrote have donated art and financial aid to humanitarian relief efforts for Ukraine. They supported health care causes during the pandemic and gave price breaks on their work during tough economic times.
It isn’t trivial to create and share art that instills calm and healing to whoever is in it’s midst. It isn’t trivial to provide for yourself and your family doing what you love, with integrity and passion.

Artists and the arts have long been great champions of goodwill. They often play a huge part in fundraising for worthy causes.
The arts can be great instruments of peace.
Whatever you do, do not undervalue what you bring to the world.
Positive contributions on all levels make a difference. Like, raising global thinking humanitarian children, for instance.
Every daily gesture of kindness brings peace to the world.
Every conscious act of protecting the earth contributes to the health of humanity and all living things.
Even small moments of gratitude and joy help to relieve sorrow.
Peace and love to you all, dear friends.
P.S One morning while visiting my parents, I struggled whether to go for my morning run. Mom’s health had declined. Confined to a wheelchair, she could no longer walk or run. I felt guilty about running when she couldn’t. She said “how exactly would that help me? I’d feel worse, knowing you have healthy legs, and yet decide not use, enjoy, or keep them strong? Do not neglect your gift, nurture and savour it.” Years later, nearing the end of her time, while I was lifting Mom from her bed, she looked down and said, “look at those beautiful strong legs of yours.” In that moment I realized, they weren’t just serving me, they were now also serving her.
We never really know how we may be called or required to serve. It helps to have a healthy foundation and take self care, so we can.

First painting shown~ SUN- 11×14 original oil- all proceeds from the sale of this painting will be donated to the Red Cross for Ukraine, and the United Nations High Commission for refugees Ukraine. 800.oo$
NEW- Private commission- ‘Sanctuary’ SOLD- 20×24 original oil
Mother and Baby- new- see video for story on this painting on Instagram. @Dawnartworks