Author Archives: dawn
“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality”. Martin Luther King Jr.
I am approached from various charities through out the year. Making my selections usually a year in advance allows me time to create special pieces for the chosen charities, aside from the monies I have donated to the Nature Conservancies. These two new donations were painted specifically for their charities. I am excited to share the news and will keep you updated on these pieces.
New ” Tree” 14×18 Original Oil ( 625.oo$) donated for the Cops for Cancer Ride will benefit the Grand River Cancer Centre. All information on the charity can be found online at a future date. Special thanks to Dean Ducas of Dean’s pics for providing the photo research for ‘Tree”.
‘Forest Walk ‘ 24×30 ( 1372.oo$) ( Boreal) has been donated to the Snowflake Ball, taking place May 4/13 in Ottawa. Benefiting the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) Inflammatory Bowel Disease Centre and Screen Colons Canada. You can find all the information on the Auction and Ball at I understand their 2013 web details will be online shortly.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is,’What are you doing for others?’” Martin Luther King, Jr
Magazine post & new web features
I want to thank Nancy and Max of OUR HOMES magazine for including my work (Mountain) in the new Winter Issue published this week. Thank you for your kind comments and great photo of the work. To view an electronic version of the magazine, click here
You may have noticed new features on my website. On my Homepage you will find handy little buttons to Twitter, FaceBook and You Tube. I invite you to follow me on the social networks and join my news mailing list. You also now have the ability to tweet or share on Facebook each NewsBlog.
Follow me on Twitter, this is where you will find industry happenings and interesting tweets of an Artist.
Facebook is the only place you have an opportunity to comment live on the new work.It is kept up to date with News & Art.
I am now a member of Linked IN, button on the webpage to follow!
If you haven’t viewed my Videos – click on the You Tube button and enjoy. I am grateful to Pam Rose for her permission to play her music in ‘Tundra’.
It is fantastic to have social and video media sources in place. Let’s ‘connect’, thank you for your support! d
New Web Site
My thanks to designer Paul Chalmers at J3T for his professionalism, creative and technical input, and tireless patience. This newly renovated site will be updated more frequently with new paintings, upcoming video features, news and announcements. Please have fun exploring the site and let me know your thoughts.
2011 Calendars
Thank you for your kind response on the new art calendar! The 2011 calendars were published in co-ordination with Acko Printing in Windsor. Special thanks to Met, Sandi and the team at Acko for their knowledge and careful attention to representing the work. The calendars have been distributed to local business’s and are not for sale. As a special thank you, a limited number  have  been delivered to my loyal customers.