This new painting is all about paying attention.
My initial inclination for the first painting of 2021 was of the dramatic skies I have been experiencing on my early sunrise runs.

Yet it occurred to me, much of my focus in the recent year is paying attention to the small things I am truly grateful for. It’s easy to be grateful for the big stuff, for health, love of family and work success. Of having work at all.

The easily forgotten tiny gifts we experience daily keep life abundant in so many ways. Daily treasures of delight, noticeable when you really look. It might be the friendly wave of a neighbour that keeps you buoyant thru the day, a small act of kindness, or the discovery of a new flower in your garden, transported from an unknown source.
It’s easy to see and feel the inspiration in a dramatic landscapes with a brilliant sunrise and feel joy witnessing miraculous skies overhead.
It may not be so easy in what appears to be a cold snowy hilltop scattered with brown bushes, and sky overhead seemingly void of dramatic colour.

Yet when you stop, and pay attention, it’s teeming with beauty. Reflective light of the morning sun in the fresh clean snow. Lavender and rich cobalt blues dramatize windswept banks and shadows. Hints of deer tracks pepper along the ridge. Warm whisper of the sunrise appears on the crest.
If we pay attention and allow ourselves to be absorbed in the moment, there is colour and life everywhere. The evolution of change in the promise of new beginnings lay before us.
Art can be a gift of this daily reminder.

This new 9×12 original is available for purchase. My intention is to create a much larger version of this glorious landscape.
Cheers friends, thanks for the welcome back.
9×12 Snowy Hilltop original oil $530.oo
The studio is open for pick up, delivery and shipping. I am excited to hear from you!